In addition to firearms, Wang’s signature weapon is the katana, which is limited to close-quarters combat unlike ranged firearms, but is also very effective against enemies.

Non-firearm weapons include crossbows that can fire both ordinary bolts and sticky grenades that can be remotely detonated at will. These also include secondary firing modes that allow players to alternate between different modes or rates of fire. Firearms range from fictional versions of pistols, submachine guns, shotguns and rocket launchers, some of which can be dual-wielded. Wang is equipped with various firearms that require ammunition that can be found throughout stages. Levels themselves are divided into chapters, each with Wang progressing through smaller stages to large open battle arenas that have side and hidden areas, occasionally allowing another route. Shadow Warrior is a single-player first-person shooter where players take control of the modern ninja mercenary Lo Wang from a first-person perspective as he fights through levels of demonic hordes. A sequel, Shadow Warrior 2, was released in 2016 and a second sequel, Shadow Warrior 3 was released in 2022. Upon its release, the game was met with generally positive reviews from reviewers and critics. On 31 March 2015 the game was released for both OS X and Linux. The game was released on 26 September 2013 through digital distribution via Steam and GOG.com with a later retail release.

It is a reboot of the 1997 game of the same name, developed by 3D Realms and published by GT Interactive, licensed out by Devolver Digital, featuring the same character Lo Wang and a modern era setting with Asian mythology elements, all of which were redesigned with modern, full 3D graphics and new gameplay features, while also being a throwback to classic first-person shooters. Shadow Warrior is a first-person shooter game developed by Flying Wild Hog and published by Devolver Digital for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Linux and OS X.